Memorabilia of Yinfeng Life Extension Program

June 2024

Yinfeng's cryomedicine scientists participated in the topic selection demonstration meeting of the CAS Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Project.

April 2024

The new Cryomedicine Ethics Committee of Yinfeng was established.

December 2023

A total of 19 cases of human body cryopreservation and more than 190 cases of tissue and organ preservation have been successfully implemented.

October 2023

Empowering cryomedicine, gathering strength and moving forward! Yinfeng Cryomedicine assisted in the holding of the 13th National Cryobiomedical and Equipment Academic Annual Conference.

September 2023

China’s Temperature•Miracle of Life The new book China’s Temperature and the first public welfare documentary were officially released.

July 2023

A total of 16 cases of human body cryopreservation and more than 180 cases of tissue and organ preservation have been successfully implemented.

May 2023

The Cryomedicine and Cryobiological Engineering Branch of the Shandong Refrigeration Society was established and the academic exchange conference was successfully held; The “Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center” project jointly carried out by Yinfeng Cryomedicine Team and Anhui Medical University was officially accepted and authorized by the Ministry of Education.

March 2023

The “International Alliance for Life Extension Research” jointly initiated by Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute and 13 international scientific research institutions engaged in the field of cryobiomedicine was officially established.

December 2022

Yinfeng Cryomedicine Team released the “World’s First International Cryobiomedical Research System”.

October 2022

The 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Jinan Red Cross Body and Corneal Donation Volunteer Service Team and the launching ceremony of the Red Cross Volunteer Service Base were successfully held in our institute.

September 2022

The “World’s First High-Precision Programmed Cooling Equipment” independently developed by the Yinfeng Cryomedicine Team debuted at the ASEAN Expo.

May 2022

The new base of Yinfeng Cryomedicine Center was officially relocated and opened; France 2 TV station focused on Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute and conducted a special report on the progress of Yinfeng Life Extension Program and human body cryopreservation research.

April 2022

Approved as the Key Laboratory of Tissue Repair Materials in Jinan City.

September 2021

The second-generation high-precision large-scale programmed cooling equipment was exported to Australia.

February 2021

More than 100 cases of clinical tissue and organ preservation were achieved.

May 2020

Human body cryopreservation volunteers are in double digits.

December 2019

Cooperated with International SOS to build an international long-distance emergency air transport patient channel.

November 2019

The “China Cryomedicine Outstanding Talent Training Fund” was established.

June 2019

The “Research and Development Program for Biological Tissue Engineering Materials and Artificial Tissues and Organs” was officially launched.

July 2018

The self-developed cryosurgery perfusion monitoring system was put into use.

June 2018

The case of “First Implementation of Remote Volunteer Transportation and Cryopreservation” was completed.

May 2017

Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute completed the first human body cryopreservation case in Asia, which was publicly announced by the media in August of the same year, attracting worldwide attention.

December 2016

The Shandong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs approved the establishment of the Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Public Welfare Foundation.

September 2016

Yinfeng Cryomedicine Research Center was completed and put into use.

May 2016

The project of “Deep cryopreservation Technology and Professional Equipment Research and Development of Tissues and Organs and Human Body” by Yinfeng Cryomedicine Team was officially approved by the Foreign Expert Project of “Leading Qilu” in Shandong Province.

April 2016

Aaron J. Drake, the former American Alcor expert on human body cryopreservation, was officially hired by Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute.

February 2016

The first Yinfeng Cryomedicine Expert Committee and Medical Ethics Committee were established.

January 2016

Yinfeng Cryomedicine Technology Co., Ltd. was founded. Yinfeng Cryomedicine independently designed and developed human body cryopreservation equipment and the world’s first high-precision programmed cooling device with sustainable curve cooling.


The first application of minimally invasive dual-channel extracorporeal circulation perfusion technology for human cryopreservation surgery was achieved.

December 2015

Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute was established.

July 2015

The Yinfeng team visited the American cryonics institutions ALCOR and CI and signed memoranda of cooperation with them respectively.

May 2013

Yinfeng Biological Group initiated a research program on human body cryopreservation technology and its legal and ethical implications in China.