Yinfeng Life Extension Plan Q&A

Is the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan (Human Cryopreservation and Resuscitation Research) project legal?

There are currently no prohibitive or restrictive laws and regulations in China. The research on human cryopreservation and resuscitation is a very forward-looking and challenging life science research project implemented by Shandong Yinfeng Life Sciences Research Institute. In accordance with ethical principles such as medical research involving human beings and lives, current laws and regulations related to body donation in China must be followed. Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences has the qualifications of a body receiving station, and the implementation of this project complies with China's current laws and regulations.

What are the steps to participate in the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan (human cryopreservation and resuscitation research)?

Telephone consultation → Make an appointment to visit → On-site visit → Interview confirmation → On-site application → Condition review → Join as a member → Condition assessment → Cross-region transportation → Clinical standby → Life support → Hypothermia surgery → Procedural cooling → Cryopreservation

What are the conditions for participating in the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan?

(1) Meet legal and medical ethical conditions
① Volunteers should abide by relevant Chinese laws and regulations, have medical dedication, support Yinfeng life science research, and have a rational understanding of this.
② Volunteers who donate organs or remains should be natural persons with full capacity for civil conduct; if the volunteer is a natural person with limited capacity for civil conduct or no capacity for civil conduct (such as suffering from Alzheimer's disease, etc.), his or her guardian can act as a trustee The executor performs legal rights.
③ Volunteers or their guardians should complete the volunteer registration application process in accordance with the relevant procedures of the Red Cross Society of China and the requirements of the "Shandong Provincial Body Donation Regulations".
④ Volunteers should not be involved in major criminal cases or political events in the country or region where they are located.
(2) Meet the medical technical conditions
① The volunteers did not suffer from Class A and B infectious diseases stipulated in the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases" and internationally recognized highly infectious diseases.
② The volunteer did not die due to explosion, fighting, shooting, drowning, poisoning, fire, etc. or otherwise does not meet the participation criteria.
③ Comply with Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences’ standards for accepting donated bodies: the volunteers should not be kept at room temperature for more than 24 hours after their death; and should not be kept for more than 5 days if low-temperature protection measures are in place.
④ If volunteers agree to donate viable tissues and organs that have been abandoned or removed due to accidental injuries, major surgeries, or medical plastic surgery, the donated tissues or organs should be healthy and pollution-free.
(3) Additional conditions for volunteers
① Participate in Yinfeng Life Extension Plan research through donations or funding.
② Accept the comprehensive evaluation and screening by Yinfeng Academy of Biological Sciences.

How do volunteers from other places complete the body donation procedures and participate in the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan?

In order to improve the communication efficiency and clinical response speed of volunteers participating in this project, and to ensure the implementation effect to the greatest extent, volunteers are encouraged to be transferred to cooperative hospitals in Jinan, Shandong Province during or before critical illness.

Is there a specific number of years for human cryopreservation and resuscitation research?

Because there is no clear timetable for the development of life sciences and future medicine, and we cannot accurately predict the development timetable of resuscitation technology, there is no specific age limit for the preservation of this research, but research progress and the latest technological achievements will be evaluated every 20 years. , and decide whether to continue the research plan or stop the research based on the wishes of the volunteers and their families.

What rights do family members have when participating in the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan?

(1) Right to know: The Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences conducts a technical assessment of the progress and results of this plan every 20 years, conducts research attempts with reference to the medical technology levels of different eras, and promptly updates the information of the entrusted executor. The families of the volunteers are concerned about the above Have the right to know.
(2) Visiting rights: Family members of volunteers have the right to make appointments for visits.

Will volunteers participating in the Yinfeng Life Extension Project be used for other scientific research?

Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences will abide by the spirit of the contract within the framework of laws and regulations, respect the wishes of volunteers and their families, and will not use their donated remains for purposes unrelated to this research plan.

How to promote the long-term sustainable development of Yinfeng Life Extension Plan?

The Yinfeng Life Extension Plan is a future-oriented, forward-looking and challenging comprehensive life science research project in the field of cryogenic biomedicine, which has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. As the scientific research unit that completed the first human cryopreservation in Asia, the Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences has also attracted the attention of the government, the Red Cross and other relevant departments. It has been approved by the Ministry of Education as an engineering research center and body reception station qualification and research on donated bodies. Document approval, project implementation complies with existing national laws, regulations and policies. This is both supervision and encouragement for us. For this project, Yinfeng Academy of Biological Sciences has organized 22 domestic and international experts from cryogenic biomedicine, clinical medicine, biomaterials, medical ethics, life sciences, law, journalism and communication and other related fields to jointly promote and ensure the success of this project. Steady implementation; in addition, as the sponsor of the Yinfeng Life Extension Plan, the Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Charity Foundation will continue to raise funds and provide strong financial support for the development of this project.

In the future, if this research plan cannot be continued due to force majeure or other reasons, volunteers will be transferred to other research institutions first, subject to legal, regulatory and ethical conditions; if no other institution accepts them, the opinions of the entrusted executor will be followed , properly placed.

What is the relationship between Yinfeng Institute of Biological Sciences and Alcor and CI in the United States?

In 2015, after Yinfeng Biosciences visited Alcor and CI in the United States, it hired Aaron Drake, Alcor's chief human cryopreservation expert, to serve as the director of the clinical service center at Yinfeng Biosciences. Due to differences in laws, religion, scientific understanding and implementation processes between China and the United States, Yinfeng Biosciences does not have a legal cooperative relationship with CI or Alcor.

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