Major Breakthrough in Artificial Liver Research

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Recently, the liver surgery team at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, in collaboration with several research institutions, has achieved a significant breakthrough in the field of artificial liver research. The research team successfully constructed a novel artificial liver with hepatic vein structures (HEALs) and a liver tissue model with enhanced activity and functional advantages using suspension printing technology and holographic lattice acoustic tweezer technology. This provides a new potential pathway for liver transplant alternatives, making tissue engineering technologies faster and more efficient. The related research findings have been published in the journal "Biomaterials."

One significant achievement of this study is the successful printing of HEALs with venous structures based on a "omnidirectional suspended printing matrix network" supporting medium. Compared to traditional 3D printed livers, HEALs not only achieve centimeter-level tissue construction but also show significant advantages in liver function expression and vascular regeneration after transplantation, making them promising for drug screening, basic research, and liver transplant replacements.

Another important achievement is the collaboration with other research institutions to optimize and utilize holographic lattice acoustic tweezer technology to construct an in vitro biomimetic 3D liver model. Primary hepatocytes subjected to holographic lattice acoustic tweezers can generate a large number of self-assembling hepatocyte spheroids within one minute. The speed is fast, and after in vitro culture, the diameters of the hepatocyte spheroids significantly increase, with substantial enhancements in core functions such as protein synthesis metabolism, glucose metabolism, and detoxification.

The research team stated that the holographic lattice acoustic tweezer technology, with its unique advantages of being non-contact, non-damaging, precise, flexible, and rapid in patterning processes, shows great potential in constructing in vitro 3D models.

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