What Have Scientists Done Over the Past Century to "Time Travel" into the Future with a Single Sleep?


Remember Captain America's century-spanning frozen wake-up in "The Avengers"? In reality, although we cannot replicate such a heroic legend, the scientific community is quietly unveiling the secrets of pausing life at an astonishing pace, exploring the infinite possibilities of the future.

World's first! "Pig liver" successfully transplanted into the human body


On March 10, led by Academician Dou Kefeng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director Tao Kaishan from Hepatological Surgery Department, Xijing Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University made a major breakthrough in the clinical research of liver heterotransplantation: the whole liver of a multi-gene edited pig was successfully transplanted into a brain-dead patient using the auxiliary liver transplantation method. During the operation, the transplanted liver secreted bile immediately after blood flow was restored with no hyperacute rejection, and functioned continuously for more than 96 hours.

Heavyweight! Prof. Gang Zhao, the main committee member of Yinfeng Cryomedicine Specialized Committee, published another article "Advanced Cryopreservation Engineering Strategies - A Critical Step in Utilizing Stem Cell Products".


Cryopreservation is known as the technique of solidifying time, by cooling biological materials (e.g. cells, tissues and organs) to low temperatures with the addition of cryoprotectants (generally -196°C liquid nitrogen preservation), and then rewarming them to normal temperatures (37°C) in an effective manner when needed, at which time the biological samples can still be restored and maintain their activity.

Heavy! Professor Zhao Gang, chairman of our special committee, jointly published an important article - "Principles and Progress of Cell Cryopreservation"


In recent years, low-temperature biomedicine, a less popular subject, is attracting more and more attention, attracting more and more scientists to join it. Among them, the cryopreservation technology of cells, tissues and organs, and even the entire human body continues to make progress and is gradually used in clinical applications.


Tissues and Organs

The human body is composed of about 40 trillion to 60 trillion cells. It is composed of cell groups and intercellular substance with the same or similar shape and function. It is a structural unit composed of a variety of tissues that can perform a (specific) function. That is the organ. The four major tissues of the human body are: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue; the structural characteristics of different organs are adapted to their functions, such as: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and other sensory organs, and another example: internal organs Organs heart, liver, lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc.


Shandong Yinfeng Life Sciences Research Institute completed the transfer of off-site volunteers and cryopreservation of human bodies for the first time

At 14:30 pm on June 19, 2018, at Shandong Yinfeng Institute of Life Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "Yinfeng Institute of Life Sciences"), a special farewell visit was a quick glance through the glass window, and then another Watching a kind old man being transferred to a liquid nitrogen tank at -196°C. Those who came to visit her were her close relatives - her husband, who had been with her for 53 years, her four children whom she had worked hard to raise, and her little granddaughter, whom she regarded as a treasure, and more than a dozen people.


Breakthrough in cryonics practice: Frozen rabbit brain successfully restored

"Every neuron and process appears to be intact in the brain," said Kenneth Hayworth, president of the Brain Conservation Foundation. Fontana, California, February 10, United Press International reported - A scientific team called "21st Century Medicine" successfully froze a rabbit brain and restored it back at a research institution in California.


Shandong Yinfeng Life Sciences Research Institute completed China’s first human body cryopreservation

In most people's minds, human cryopreservation is both mysterious and unfamiliar. In 2015, news that a female writer from Chongqing had her brain frozen at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation (Alcor) in the United States attracted great attention. This was also the first case of cryopreservation of human brains in China. Now, it is funded by the Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Charity Foundation.


Human tissue and organ cryopreservation technology

At normal temperature, isolated ischemic tissues and organs will die within a short period of time (from a few minutes to a few hours at most) and cannot be used for transplantation. It is impossible to complete the transplant operation in such a short period of time. Therefore, tissue and organ cryopreservation technology is needed to maintain their activity.



Cryoprotectants are the basis for research on cryopreservation of various human cells, tissues, and organs. Since the discovery of the cryoprotective effect of glycerol in the 1960s, more than 50 drugs or reagents have been used for cryoprotection. In recent years, with the development of vitrification technology, in-depth research on cryoprotectants has attracted the attention of many researchers.


Cryogenic equipment

The relationship between the energy difference input to the sample under test and the reference substance and temperature (or time) can be measured through programmable temperature control. The application range is very wide, especially in the research and development, performance testing and quality control of materials, such as glass transition temperature, cold crystallization, phase transition, melting, crystallization, product stability, solidification/cross-linking, oxidation induction period and other research fields.